As of Summer 2021 the Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) was reconstructed into the Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA). The CGSA aims to foster community and camaraderie between the graduate students, faculty, and the different research groups in the Department of Chemistry. The CGSA is advised by the Director of Graduate Studies (Dr. Scott Shaw). In 2021, we hosted the first-annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, where UIowa Chemistry Graduate Students were given the opportunity to give talk about their research. If you're a UIowa Chemistry graduate student in good-standing and interested in joining the CGSA drop us a message on our contact us page. 

Alisa Fairweather, President (2017-20)

"You can lose touch with your colleagues working in different research groups, so the GSAB [now CGSA] provides opportunities for everyone to connect, share stories of progress and success, and enjoy other's company."

- Alisa Fairweather, President (2017-20)