CGSA Annual Thanksgiving Potluck
Saturday, November 23rd at Noon at the 2nd floor north hallway of the Chemistry Building. Everyone in the chemistry department, chem majors, graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff along with their friends and family are invited to join us! We look forward to seeing you all there so please RSVP and let us know what dish you're bringing.

Demystifying the Comprehensive Exam
Taking comps soon or have questions regarding comps?
Join us for a panel discussion on what to expect for the comprehensive exam where you can asks questions to a panel of post-comps graduate students.
If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please fill out this short survey (TBA)
This event is open to all chemistry students.
Time and Date for 2024-2025 TBA
Food and refreshments will be provided!
Contact Sam ( with any questions.

Graduate Research Symposium
Please join us on next year for the 2025 Graduate Research Symposium presented by the University of Iowa Chemistry Department and hosted by the Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA)!
Do you want an opportunity to share the outstanding research you are doing with your colleagues or practice for an upcoming seminar or conference? Give a short 15 minute presentation at the 2025 Graduate Research Symposium followed by a 5 minute period for questions! CGSA wants to reiterate presenting is an awesome chance to get exposure discussing your research for the first time or prepare for future presentations; especially for those of you presenting at the 2024 ACS Midwest Regional Meeting a few days after!
The call for participants is going to be determined later. Everyone is welcome to present: 1st years and beyond! If you are interested in giving a presentation at this year’s symposium, you can register using the QR code or the link below!
We hope to see everyone there and are looking forward to learning more about the research being conducted in the University of Iowa Department of Chemistry!